EnviSense Firmware has been enhanced in order to add more functionalities, especially useful in this emergency period. New regulations require control access to buildings, public indoor spaces and factories, body temperature of each entering person must be measured in order to avoid the access to those with more than 37.5 degrees. Available termoscanner are usually bulky and expensive, EnviSense can now measure the body temperature from the face placed 20 cm from the sensor.
It can be mounted on a tripod, as a semi-automatic termo-scanner tool. The threshold overpassing alarm can be reported with a LED blinking, or by switchinf the EnviSense DC realy, so activating an external acoustic signaller or a light. The alarm can also be sent to a datalogger or a PC with a RS-485 serial line using the Modbus over RTU protocol.
The Electronic Distance Measurement has also been implemented in order to check the correct people distance in indoor spaces. It can be used mounted on ceilings higher than 3 meters for a specific space monitoring.
People Counting, especially near entrances, doors and passageways, is always useful for limiting the access to a maximum amount of people, or for statistical analysis or building auotmation.
The Fall Detection can be used to monitor specific dangerous places such as wet areas, cobot stations, workstations, assembly lines, stairs.
Environmentale measurements are always available such as Temperature, Humidity, Dew point, Luminosity, Eye Brightness Perception, Sound Pressure Level, Air Quality, Movement detection, Seismic Vibrations detection.
For further information please write to info@cognimade.com and download the Brief Description document: EnviSense Brief Description.pdf