The SafeCobot project, funded by Regione Lombardia and co-funded by POR FESR 2014-2020 as a part of the Tech Fast call, started in autumn of the last year is in its operative stage. The goal of the project is the validation of a safety sensors system for workplaces including Cobot and Robots. Despite a Cobot is certified for a collaborative workplace shared with a human operator, an additional sensors system completely avoids collisions, allows to do operations not permitted by regulations (such as in the event of a risk of collision with the head and eyes, or in the presence of spikes on the gripper) and finally to modify the program adapting it to the presence of people in order to optimize the production cycle.
The first stop & go tests had an excellent response, with the sole use of one EnviSense ceil-mounted a work area has been defined where the access of people pauses the execution of the program. New sensors will be tested soon, including EnviRadar, and the joint use of multiple technologies through DataFusion techniques will also be tested. All tests will be carried out in new and different scenarios. Keep an eye on the page and if you have any proposals for the validation of the system in an environment of your interest please let us know, we will be happy to collaborate by including the tests in the project.